15 thoughts on “Look Deep Into My Eyes

    1. Haha. I took a million of them because they were going crazy in the chair but most are blurry. It was really cute because usually they are beating each other.

    1. As long as it doesn’t involve balloons, glitter, glue, scissors, paper, beady eyes, did I say glitter?

        1. Did I send you the picture of the balloon person my children made me? By children I mean husband. It’s supposed to be me.

    1. As much as I dislike these things, we have all of them here and we use them regularly. I just like to complain because it makes me feel better. We have made many a collage here in this house. Usually from Coastal Living magazines combined with High Five from Highlights magazines combined with Target sale fliers. Super.

      1. Only because you are a Super MOM. I meant collages of your children. We have used the packaging from Avengers toys to make collages.
        Have you made pinecone bird feeders?

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