Misc. · Parenting · Ramblings


Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  Every time I sit down to write a post I stare at the screen and a zillion random thoughts cruise in and out of my brain but nothing sticks.  That last post?  I pulled it out of the draft archives and tweaked it a little to make it post worthy.  Thankfully, I… Continue reading Nuthin’

Menus · Misc. · Recipes

Who’s Coming For Dinner?

Well hello there!  I have missed you!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I did a 5.5 mile run and got my hair done for the first time in 6 months!  I know, that sounds like forever, but when you have hair like mine you can get away with it!  Lucky me, sort of.  Secretly,… Continue reading Who’s Coming For Dinner?